Croatian Bakalar Recipe (Salted Cod)

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Post author SJ

Written by our local expert SJ

Sarah-Jane has lived in Croatia for 10+ years. SJ, as she is known, has been traveling the Balkans & beyond since 2000. She now shares her passion for traveling with her husband & kids.

Bakalar, as it’s known in Croatian, is a salted cod delicacy and is the must-eat traditional dish in our family for Christmas Eve and at Easter.

Eaten across Croatia and in many parts of South America and Europe, this salted cod recipe can be adapted to suit your taste. Add more garlic if you like, or change the ratio of bakalar to potatoes that suit your family. Just remember that you’ll need to start preparing the bakalar at least three days before you want to eat this dish – so set a little reminder in your calendar now, so you do not forget.

Atlantic Cod is a fish species from the Northern Atlantic and is high in essential fatty acids. It’s very popular around the world as it has a mild flavor and dense flakey white flesh.

Salted cod has been produced for over 500 years, since the time of the European discoveries of the New World. Before refrigeration, there was a need to preserve the cod, which led people to drying and salting techniques to preserve the cod. This is how the Bakalar recipe was born, and generations later, we are still eating it.

Photo: Gonzalo Cuellar

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Where To Buy Salted Cod Fish?

Where you live determines where you can buy dried salted cod. In Europe, you can get it at most supermarkets, like Interspar. It is less readily available in the US, though you can get it from European specialty stores.




Did You Know?

Dried cod and the dishes made from it are known by many different names, many of them derived from the root bacal. They are bacalhau (Portuguese), bacalao (Spanish), bakaiļao (Basque), bacallà (Catalan), μπακαλιάρος, bakaliáros (Greek),baccalà (Italian), bakalar (Croatian), bakkeljauw (Dutch), “makayabu” (Central and East Africa). Other names includeráktoguolli/goikeguolli (Sami), tørfisk/klippfisk/clipfish (Scandinavian), stokvis/klipvis (Dutch), saltfiskur (Icelandic), morue(French), saltfish (Caribbean), toe rag (UK), bakaljaw (Maltese), “labardan” (Russian).

There are so many variations of salted cod recipes from all around the world. This is our Croatian Bakalar recipe from our part of Croatia. Try it out, and let us know if you like it.

A person is pouring rice into a pan while preparing a salted cod recipe.

Croatian Bakalar Recipe (Salted Cod)

This Croatian salted cod recipe is a delicacy and traditional dish in our family. We eat codfish for Christmas Eve and again at Easter. Happy holidays.


  • 1 dried salt cod
  • 12 medium washed and peeled whole potatoes (serves 4-6 guests, add more potatoes for more guests)
  • Salt & pepper
  • 5 tablespoons parsley, chopped (or more if you like)
  • 5 cloves garlic, chopped finely
  • Olive oil


  1. Place the bakalar in a large bucket or tub with cold water. Change the water daily and soak for at least three days
  2. After soaking the bakalar in water for three days, take the bakalar and beat it with a mallet till it softens. The idea is to soften it before you boil it. So give it a good red-hot bash
  3. Once beaten, slice in half or into thirds and place into a saucepan and cover with cold water (or you can fold it in half and tie it up)
  4. Allow to boil, cook until tender. This varies from two and a half to three hours
  5. Once the bakalar is tender, add the potatoes and boil until they are soft but not falling apart
  6. Drain the pot, and separate the bakalar from the potatoes into two bowls
  7. Take the bakalar and remove all the bones and as much of the skin as possible. Note: have a bowl of warm water handy, this process gets very sticky and I find rinsing my fingers in warm water helps
  8. Once cleaned, break the bakalar into small bite-sized pieces and combine it with the potatoes
  9. With a wooden spoon, mix the bakalar and potatoes until it's the consistency that suits you. Our family likes to mix it until the potatoes are like mash potatoes. Other families we know use a blender while others like the potatoes much more whole
  10. Season with salt, pepper, parsley, and fresh garlic and stir in adding in small amounts of olive oil as you go
  11. Mix, plate and enjoy with a glass of Croatian wine
Have you eaten salted cod before? Do you have a suggestion for my salted cod recipe? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Christmas In Croatia Traditions And Christmas Markets

Planning holidays in Croatia around Christmas time? Then you’ll need to know about:

More Tasty Croatian Recipes

Comments (28)

  1. I love your Croatian recipes – but this is one I don’t think I’d try myself. I don’t have the patience to soak anything for three days!

    1. Ahhh yes, well I’ll be honest….. I stole this recipe from my Mother-in-law. I too cant be bothered waiting or doing the bashing :P

  2. This does sound like a special dish, with all that time to prepare! I remember hearing of bacalao when I was in South America but never got a chance to try it.

    1. It’s so much work, that is why I have never yet dont it myself. I love it when my family does it though.

  3. I’ve tried this dish a few times when spending Christmas in Dubrovnik with husband’s family. I think it’s an aquired taste. My husband woud flip if I surprised him with this dish, (so nice of you to share the unique recipe) sadly I don’t think I’d ever find salted cod around here in Indiana!

    1. Jen, look at any international/Italian grocery store. You’ll find it for sure. In Chicagoland area, I have seen it at Angelo Caputo’s stores. Usually by the meat/deli department. I’m sure other stores have it as well. Hth

    2. Hi,
      You can order from Frank and directly, its the best, siak day or two. Or from them on Amazon.
      Depending where in Indiana you are, you may find bakalar in European specialty stores or seafood store.
      Frank and Sals are the best in product and customer service .
      -a former Hoosier

  4. This sounds dynamite! I bet it would make a fantastic fish cake too! Has your family done that with this dish?

    1. Ohh man, that would be a good idea. I may try that in a few days with any left over…. if there is any.

  5. Hi SJ, does your mother in law use the salted cod or as my mum will only buy the dried version ,hence the need to pound it to soften it .

    1. The one she uses is dry, is there another kind? I have never seen her buy it or mention it. Maybe it’s better so it doe snot need the three day soak and stink up the place.

  6. We use dry Bakalar similar receipt I mix it in a blender or hand mixer with oil until it is creamy like a pate !

    1. Ive never had anyone make it like that – but I buy the pate in small jars here as a little treat…yummmmmmmy

    1. Sure, look out for it on the menu as Bakalar’. There is a place in Zadar I can show you that does it on Fridays in winter :D

  7. I am from Newfoundland, where salt fish became sooo popular. I have so many “tried and true” recipes. So many family favorites. Email for recipes…

  8. Finally have time to soak the cod for 3 days!! Great recipe for quarantine. I’ve tried dried cod a few different ways, and this recipe did not disappoint. Inspired me to order more cod. I missed the taste.

  9. I found frozen bakalar fillets in Rijeka (Ledo brand). Would they taste the same as the dried kind? I would love to skip the steps of soaking and beating! Also which restaurant in Zagreb serves the soup on Friday? My daughter is visiting and craves it.

  10. I am looking for a Croatian bakalar recipe, where you layer boiled and clean bakalar. The dry fish stock or salted, dried fillets which have been soaked and boiled. Then layered with sliced potatoes, garlic, parsley, white wine. Not sure how to keep the dish moist. Can’t find a recipe similar to this, but I did eat it many, many years ago.

  11. My grandmother always made this for Good Friday and we haven’t had it for 20 years so it’s time!! I’m from Australia and anxious to carry on that tradition. I have found salted cod fillets and soaked them for 24 hours. So I boil until tender but guess it won’t take hours? How long does it last once cooked please? I’m so thrilled to find you, I sadly have no one left to ask. My family came from Korcula x

    1. You need to soak it for three days – one day is not enough. As for the cooking, allow it to boil until tender. This varies from two and a half to three hours. Enjoy!!

  12. I am in Western Canada. Yes we can purchase locally the traditional dried cod for Bacalar but we short circuit this step. We can buy already cleaned and ready salted cod frozen fresh. Yes we still have to soak off the salt and also leave it in this step for at least two days. We then drain and boil 3 to 4 hours remove cod an boil our Yukon Gold in the Cod boiled water. Tearing the cod into small pieces is very easy, on rare occasions we find a bone or two. Tastes just like the tradtional salted cod without all the work. We make it any time of year, and love it.

  13. My grandparents came from the Slovenian area near the border with Croatia. Have eaten baccala for 70 plus years; make it with the same ingredients but different method. I use the salted cod from a Portuguese distributor. Sauté garlic in the oil, add the cooked cod fish, and cooked sliced potatoes and then baked it in a low oven for several hours.

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