Toll Roads In Turkey: No More Cash Payments Or Stops!

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Post author SJ

Written by our local expert SJ

Sarah-Jane has lived in Croatia for 10+ years. SJ, as she is known, has been traveling the Balkans & beyond since 2000. She now shares her passion for traveling with her husband & kids.

Toll Roads In Turkey: No More Cash Payments Or Stops! Road trips in Turkey have been made easier since these road toll changes were made. Here is your guide to the toll road system in Turkey. 

Turkey Travel Blog_Toll Roads In Turkey: No More Cash Payments Or Stops

Are you tired of waiting in long lines to pay toll fees during your road trips? Turkish authorities have an exciting solution for you! Cash payments and stops at toll booths are now a thing of the past. With advanced technology, Türkiye has revolutionized its toll road system with electronic payment options that will make traveling faster and more convenient than ever before.

In this blog post, we’ll explore toll roads in Turkey and what it means for your Türkiye road trips.

Benefits Of The No-Stop Toll System In Türkiye

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There are many benefits to the no-stop toll system was implemented in Turkey. One of the main benefits is that it now reduces traffic congestion on the roads. This is because motorists no longer need to stop at toll booths to pay their fares. Instead, they simply drive through the toll plaza without stopping. Make road trips in Türkiye quicker and more efficient.

Another benefit of the no-stop toll system is that it is convenient for motorists. They no longer need to carry around cash or coins to pay for their fares. Instead, they use an electronic system – too easy!

The no-stop toll system is also beneficial for the environment as it helps to reduce emissions from vehicles. This is because there is less idling at toll booths, leading to less fuel being burned and fewer emissions being released into the atmosphere.

Overview Of The Current HGS Tag System In Turkey

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Driving to Pamukkale

As of July 1st, 2018, the HGS (electronic toll collection) tag system is the main way to pay for tolls on highways in Turkey. The old cash payment system has been completely phased out. 

HGS stands for “otomatik hizmet getirme sistemi” which means “automatic service delivery system”. It’s a transponder-based system that uses RFID technology to automatically deduct the toll fee from your account as you drive through the toll booth. There are two types of tags: passive and active. Passive tags are affixed to your windshield and don’t require any battery power. Active tags are handheld devices that you must keep charged.

The HGS tag is linked to a bank account or credit card, and the toll fee is automatically deducted when you pass through a toll booth. You can also set up auto-recharge so that your account is never depleted.

If you’re hiring a car in Türkiye or plan to drive your own car, keep reading.

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How Turkish Rental Cars Companies Manage The Tolls

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As of 2019, all rental car companies in Turkey have been required to use an electronic toll collection (ETC) system so that travelers can pass through without delay, and the cost of the toll will be automatically charged to their credit card on file.

This change has improved the efficiency of Turkish toll roads and made renting a car in Türkiye more convenient for customers.
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Turkish Road Toll Payment Methods – How To Pay Road Tolls In Turkey

The tolling system uses automatic toll gates that detect cars and collect tolls. There are three ways to collect tolls:

  • The toll will be collected from the linked account if the car has a special HGS sticker
  • The toll amount is charged to an OGS transponder (tag);
  • The car’s license plate is recorded and billed if there is neither of the above

When crossing a toll gate, you don’t need to stop completely or get out of the car; just slow down to the recommended speed and proceed. Use the “HGS” toll gate if you have an HGS sticker and the “OGS” toll gate if you have a transponder. Otherwise, the toll won’t be collected, and you’ll be liable for it.

Foreign license plates can only enter the toll road if they have an HGS sticker or OGS tag and enough money in their linked account.

Toll Categories In Türkiye

There are three main categories of tolls in Turkey:

  • Passenger cars
  • Commercial vehicles
  • Motorcycles

Passenger cars are further divided into two categories:

  • Those with a Turkish license plate
  • Those with a foreign license plate.

Commercial vehicles are also divided into two categories:

  • Trucks
  • Buses

Motorcycles are not subject to any tolls.

Passenger cars with Turkish license plates must pay a toll of TL 5 for every 100 kilometers driven on any toll road. Passenger cars with foreign license plates must pay a toll of TL 10 for every 100 kilometers driven on any toll road. Commercial vehicles must pay a toll of TL 20 for every 100 kilometers driven on any toll road. 

Road Toll Rates In Turkey – Toll Road Charges In Turkey

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Türkiye has a long history of tolling its roads, dating back to the Ottoman Empire, and the rates for driving on toll roads are affordable. 

How To Buy An HGS Tag (Sticker Or Card )

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If you plan on driving in Turkey with your own care, HGS tags can be purchased online through the website of the Turkish Directorate General of Highways (KGM). Drivers can also purchase them at selected PTT (Postal and Telegraphic Administration) branches, HGS sales offices, and some banks. The cost of an HGS tag depends on the vehicle class; for example, a passenger car would need a different tag than a truck. Once you have determined which tag you need, you can proceed with the purchase.

If you are purchasing your HGS tag online, you will first need to create an account on the KGM website. After logging in, you will be able to select the type of vehicle and choose your payment method (credit card or bank transfer). Once your payment is processed, your HGS tag will be sent to you by mail. If you are purchasing your HGS tag from a physical location, you can simply pay for it with cash or a credit/debit card.

Map Of Toll Roads In Turkey

Road trips in Türkiye have been made easier since these road toll changes were made.

Comments (5)

  1. We rented a car in late July, and drove from istanbul to Antalya through Eskishehir. Along the way, we met a few toll booths and could not determine how to pay. (Usually at the end of the toll area, the fee is tallied) We drove on, and on to our destination. After returning the car, it was a few lira less than we thought and nothing was said about tolls, so we assumed our credit card would be charged. It never was. Can you tell if this highway has tolls currently or were the tolls terminated on this road? It was easy and entertaining to make that drive. Fun!

    1. There are tolls on many highways and roads in Turkey, including the route from Istanbul to Antalya and you’re correct that fees are usually tallied at the end of the toll area.

      However, it’s possible that the toll system or the specific toll collection methods for that route may have changed since then or you were charged (fees are so small).

      I recommend checking with the rental car company you used, and ask them to send you a finalized invoice of your charges.

    2. Using the HGS website or smartphone app is a great reccomendation, but has a bit of nuance:

      – the HGS website almost requires a turkish IP address, constantly timeouts with bulgarian IP address

      – the HGS application probably needs the same. Haven’t bothered to test it – I will be opening this app only after switching the VPN on – to show turkish IP address on my smartphone

      – at least the HGS application is translated in English – unlike the website. One nice thing.

      – I had outstanding balance of -43 TL and tried to pay it online… I thought the system would accept foreign cards and tried two times with my Revolut card… “Yanko my x” It accepts non-turkish cards
      (translation: their payment system does NOT accept non-turkish cards)

      Like we bulgarians say – “Nice job, but turkish”
      (translation: NOT PERFECT job)

      So I will just pay next time with cash on Edirne Giše – this is the end of the motorway before Edirne – before the Bulgaria/Greece border. At least the place works 24/7 (almost every time

  2. We just did a 10 day road trip from Istanbul to Ankara, Capadocia, then to Pemmukale, Ephesus, and finally back to Istanbul via Bursa. The rental car company charged us 1924 Turkish lira in tolls, or around 66USD. Does this seem high? Feels like we are getting cheated…

    1. Seems about right to me. 66 for 10 days in only 6$ a day in tolls. Plus they may have an admin charge. Ask them for a breakdown of the costs.

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